So this is my first ever entry in a blogging event. Joelen is one of the people on the food board I go to and she also has an awesome blog and a cooking group in Chicago (check out
Joelen's amazing blog). I'm really impressed by her because she has taken her love of being in the kitchen and is making it really work for her. With her cooking group she does different themed events and even includes bloggers so that people far away can get involved. So her most recent one is a blog roundup of knives to go along with a knife skills class she is teaching. I'm not sure why I decided to get involved with this particular event. I guess I see it as a good way to ease myself in, since I still get a little intimidated with all of the excellent cookers/bakers/bloggers out there. Or perhaps I really just wanted to expose you all to the crazy bunch of knives D and I work with. Seriously, they are the most mismatched, random group of things you will ever see. But we love (most) of them and use (most) of them. I have to say that D is way better with the knives than I am. We both worked in fast food (he was there longer than me) and while he learned some great skills I was (and still am) slightly afraid of them. But I'm working on it and will hopefully get better. So, let the knife tour begin.

So, first of all, this is our knife block. It is one of those cool ones that you can just randomly stick the knife into and the little plastic rods just move out of the way. This was a purchase D had to make after we moved because he knew it would come in handy. We got it at
Linen 'n Things.

This is our favorite knife, it is a Santoku knife that we got at Target. We use this for everything it is the perfect weight, not too heavy or too lite. We use it to chop veggies and meats, it can seriously do practically everything.

This cleaver scares me. I have never used it, but D has. Ok, so I know that a knife should not scare me, but I feel like I don't have the skills to use it (maybe I could get Joelen to teach me). D uses this work cutting big pieces of meat, I think about using it as a weapon should the need ever arise (there, you have been warned). It came in a set of knives we picked up for cheap when we first moved in together.

And finally, this is our complete knife set. Well, actually it is multiple sets all stuck together. When we moved in together D brought some nice knives with him that his parents had saved (they are the ones with the wooden handle) and I had a really small set my parents sent with me (one of the black handled sets, the handles are plastic). Then we purchased the set that the cleaver came in (the other black handled set). That white knife in the front is just a little paring knife that came in this kitchen utensil set my parents gave us as well. And those little knives with the colored handles are from a paring knife set we bought at Linens 'n Things (that tiny little red knife didn't come with the set, I think it came here with D).

Well, there you have it. Those are the knives that make the food you see on this blog. They may not be the most expensive or the best made knives ever, but they work for use and we enjoy using them as we traverse the world that is cooking.
Again, this whole blogging event came from the genius that is Joelen. To see her blog, the post about this event, and the roundup after the deadline of midnight on July 20th, go to her blog.